Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday Sketch and animation

What action script did you use?
-I used actionscript 3.0. because it is the most modern and up to date.

Why did you choose it?
-I chose it because it is the most modern and up to date.

How did you trace the frog/toad? Can you include examples of your work in the blog post?
-I pasted the picture from the instructions onto the bottom layer. I then traced it with the brush tool on the layer above. This is what it looked like after 1 frame. I then deleted the bottom layer.

Who is the master animator Richard Williams?
-He is a british-canadian animator. He worked on many animated movies such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Pink Panther.

How did you research him or her?
-I used the biography from Internet Movie Database.

How large was your stage when you opened it?
-My stage was 550 pixels by 400 pixels.

Which software did you use and why?
-I used adobe flash, because I know how to use it more than others.

How many layers did you use?
-I used 2 layers, one for the frog and one for the background.

Why did you choose your background?
-My background allowed me to trace the multiple frames of the frog

Why did we create a frog/toad? (instead of a ball or entire city)
-The frog has some detail to it, but is not too time consuming for a single frame.

How did you export?
-I exported by file->export->export movie->animated GIF and saved to desktop.

How many frames did you create?
-I created 8 frames for each layer, but did not do any editing for the background layer.

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