Friday, March 20, 2015

Fridge logline and three act structure

Logline: This intense battle between Burger and Cannibal Burger is absolutely bananas, and the burger's time is running out!

Three act structure:
Act 1:
The story starts out with the villain of the story, the burger, attacking and eating a burger patty. We see this already evil burger turn into the villainous Double Burger. The scene cuts away to show the chum bucket and the Krusty Krab. As we enter the Krusty Krab, we are introduced to the protagonists Fridge, and his allies Patrick Starr, and we also see supreme leader Jose Ballin in the line.
Act 2:
After reading the news, Fridge concludes that the chum bucket has developed a burger that eats krabby patties. At that moment, supreme leader Jose Ballin reaches the front of the line, and he orders Patrick to help outlaw cannibal burgers. The Krusty Krab team of Fridge, Patrick, and the politburo engage in a series of battles with the chum bucket army, as the war wages on.
Act 3:
The Krusty Krab realizes that the cannibal burgers are actually ruining business, and if they do not get rid of the source within 2 minutes the krusty Krab will need to shut down. They formulate a plan and mount one final attack on the chum bucket. After this final attack, supreme leader Jose Ballin outlaws all burgers, so the Krusty Krab and the chum bucket both need to shut down anyway.


  1. Sad ending to a sad, tearjerking story. Could be better if mood was set earlier in the story.

  2. Thanks for the honest evaluaation. I will try to set the mood earlier into the story when I edit the story.
