Friday, March 27, 2015

Wonder Woman Balance

There are many reasons my sketch demonstrates balance. Some examples of how my wonder woman sketch demonstrates balance is:

- It demonstrates a balance of color and white space
- It demonstrates a balance between unique caligraphy style and readable text
- It demonstrates a balance of color through using Blue and its two semi-complementary colors Red and Yellow

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Thursday Sketch and animation

What action script did you use?
-I used actionscript 3.0. because it is the most modern and up to date.

Why did you choose it?
-I chose it because it is the most modern and up to date.

How did you trace the frog/toad? Can you include examples of your work in the blog post?
-I pasted the picture from the instructions onto the bottom layer. I then traced it with the brush tool on the layer above. This is what it looked like after 1 frame. I then deleted the bottom layer.

Who is the master animator Richard Williams?
-He is a british-canadian animator. He worked on many animated movies such as Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Pink Panther.

How did you research him or her?
-I used the biography from Internet Movie Database.

How large was your stage when you opened it?
-My stage was 550 pixels by 400 pixels.

Which software did you use and why?
-I used adobe flash, because I know how to use it more than others.

How many layers did you use?
-I used 2 layers, one for the frog and one for the background.

Why did you choose your background?
-My background allowed me to trace the multiple frames of the frog

Why did we create a frog/toad? (instead of a ball or entire city)
-The frog has some detail to it, but is not too time consuming for a single frame.

How did you export?
-I exported by file->export->export movie->animated GIF and saved to desktop.

How many frames did you create?
-I created 8 frames for each layer, but did not do any editing for the background layer.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wonder Woman and Green Lantern

Wonder Woman and Green Lantern, both protagonists of their own animated stories, are quite similar. Both of them are genuine heroes as well as being great citizens. Both of them are quite charismatic and good at making friends. Both of them are good at thinking on the fly and making snap decisions. Both of them also have the bodies of the perfect male and female human being respectively.

However, there are certain key differences between Wonder Woman and Green Lantern. Primary among the differences is that Green lanterns are all male, including Hal Jordan. However Wonder Woman, and all the people from her island with whom she trains are all women. Green Lantern is air force pilot when not on duty, whereas Wonder Woman is a princess. Green Lantern has a sidekick, another Green Lantern named Kilowog. However, Wonder Woman works generally alone, and excels at individual combat instead.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Fridge logline and three act structure

Logline: This intense battle between Burger and Cannibal Burger is absolutely bananas, and the burger's time is running out!

Three act structure:
Act 1:
The story starts out with the villain of the story, the burger, attacking and eating a burger patty. We see this already evil burger turn into the villainous Double Burger. The scene cuts away to show the chum bucket and the Krusty Krab. As we enter the Krusty Krab, we are introduced to the protagonists Fridge, and his allies Patrick Starr, and we also see supreme leader Jose Ballin in the line.
Act 2:
After reading the news, Fridge concludes that the chum bucket has developed a burger that eats krabby patties. At that moment, supreme leader Jose Ballin reaches the front of the line, and he orders Patrick to help outlaw cannibal burgers. The Krusty Krab team of Fridge, Patrick, and the politburo engage in a series of battles with the chum bucket army, as the war wages on.
Act 3:
The Krusty Krab realizes that the cannibal burgers are actually ruining business, and if they do not get rid of the source within 2 minutes the krusty Krab will need to shut down. They formulate a plan and mount one final attack on the chum bucket. After this final attack, supreme leader Jose Ballin outlaws all burgers, so the Krusty Krab and the chum bucket both need to shut down anyway.

Monday, March 2, 2015

spock and fridge conversation

Setting: in the star ship enterprise orbiting earth that is exploding.

Fridge: What is the result of the landing?
Spock: The inhabitants claim they are all friends.
Fridge: why is the planet exploding then!
Spock: probably because of bombs
Fridge: maybe they are lying
Spock: the planet will break within 5 minutes
fridge: maybe we can save the natives
Spock: 4 minutes 45 seconds
fridge: why are we doing nothing
Spock: 4 minutes 30 seconds
Spock: 4 minutes
fridge: THE PEOPLE
Spock: nobody on the planet can escape
fridge: why didn't you say so before
Spock: you're a fridge, you didn't need to know. You knowing would not have affected the outcome.