Wednesday, February 18, 2015

El Frigador

The story of El Frigador is one of sadness and coldness. He grew up very happy, surrounded by his brothers in a big building called "Factory." He loved it there, but he never got to meet his parents. So he set out to find his parents. He went to the operator of Factory. He asked the operator "Where are we and do you know where my parents are?" The operator claimed that they were on the island of Kamino, and that El Frigador had no parents. He was an Identical copy of another fridge. HE WAS A CLONE.

Very upset, El Frigador went to the most knowledgable place on the internet: Wikipedia and Yahoo Answers. Yahoo answers contributers all told him to go to latvia to the crusty crabb, where he could work, so he went there and worked for the rest of his life as a fridge.

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