Thursday, June 11, 2015

Final Exam- 2d Animation Period 6

  1. What is your favorite animated film? The film can be an animated short or a feature film. (10)
-Kung Fu Panda is my favorite animated film.
  1. Give three reasons that this film is your favorite (10)
-I like it because
1. It is really well animated and the voice overs are really good
2. It has a great storyline that makes clear sense and is not overcomplicated
3. It is hilarious.
  1. What is your teacher's favorite animated series? (5)
-Peanuts is Bryan Farley's favorite animated series.
  1. How did choose your answer? (5)
-He showed us multiple clips from Peanuts and it says he loves Peanuts on his blog.
  1. Give three reasons that your teacher likes the series. (10)
-He likes the series because:
1. It features a lot of the principles of animation in easily seen ways for education
2. It is funny and appealing to watch
3. The animation is very simple but it allows the story to be deep.
  1. What was your best work this year? Describe the work (10)
-My best work this year was my final project animation. It was an animated short film about the battle between a man and a robot, with a plot twist ending where neither win after the man seemingly comes out on top.
  1. Write a one paragraph summary of your last animation. (10)
In my last animation, I animated the battle between Ninja the Man and Ninja the Robot. After introducing the plot and the title, I introduced the characters with a short animated intro. Then I showed Ninja the Man running forward and dodging arrows and rockets. After a few dodges, he finds Ninja the Robot. Two swords appear, they each grab one, and they begin to fight. After a few swings, Ninja the Man defeats Ninja the Robot with a stab. He then runs to the finish line, where he hears congratulations and sees a clock counting down. The clock then hits 0, accidentally explodes, and kills Ninja the Man. I then displayed credits for animation and music.
  1. Add a working link to the last animation project. (10)
-Final Project Animation(download to view)
  1. List three things you did well on this project. (10)
-Three things I did well on this project are:
1.Incorporated both frame-by-frame and tween based animation
2. Draw people with realistic motion.
3. Incorporate sound well into the movie and the credits.
  1. Who created your favorite final project in Period 6? (5)
-My favorite project in Period 6 was my own, as I thought I did a good job on it. Second place would be Adon K's project.
  1. What are your responsibilities in a digital classroom? (5)
-My responsibilities in a digital classroom are to:
1. Not infringe on any ownership rights of anybody else's property
2. Not do any physical damage to anything in the room.
3. Not abuse the power to access the internet that I have on a computer
4. Respect everyone else in the classroom and not get in anyone else's way