Thursday, April 30, 2015

add text to flash

word                         font                                                             color
you:             times new roman,                                       r51g102b255 100%
deserve:       viner hand ITC,                                          r51g204b255 100%
a:                        vivaldi,                                                 r153g51b153 100%
high:                   impact,                                                 r204g51b0 100%
five:                  jokerman,                                              r102g255b0 100%

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

identifying sounds

five interesting sounds from Tom and Jerry: the cat concerto are:

-tom's playing the piano: which was made using a piano
-the sound of tom's chest gear falling down: made using a creaky door
-the sound of tom hitting jerry with a pipe: was made using a metal pipe and a metal stick hit together
-the sound of tom running into the wall: made by cymbals
-the sound of the audience clapping was made by a large group of people clapping

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Key Frame Animation

I grade myself:
Brushwork and Fills: 3
Frame Sequencing: 3
Background: 3

overall: 9/9
I did a good job following the directions and creating an appealing animation of a frog landing and jumping across the screen.